Xbox Home - Sports & Outdoors Games: Xbox Live Starter Kit ![]() by Microsoft Platform: Xbox ASIN: B00006LU9J Check price @ Features: • Xbox Live is an online gaming service that lets you play certain Xbox games over your broadband Internet connection • Starter Kit includes one year of Xbox Live service and an Xbox Communicator voice headset • Gamers use one account and one name with all Xbox Live-enabled games, making it easy to find friends and change games • Communicator lets you trash talk your enemies and strategize with your teammates • Note: Xbox Live requires cable or DSL broadband Internet service and an Ethernet cable to connect your Xbox to your cable or DSL modem (sold separately) Customer Reviews: Great System, November 10, 2002 Reviewer: Brandon Rodriguez from Coppell, TX USA I'm currently a Xbox Live beta test and I must say this has been an INCREDIBLE system so far. Xbox makes everything from hosting and joining games, to keeping track of your friends and their locations as easy as possible. Easily the best online system ever, and with its across-game features, it has the potential to top the PC in online gaming. BETA TESTER, November 10, 2002 Reviewer: zacattac2 from Meqoun, WI United States LEt me just say this is the coolest thing ever. If u have an xbox a must have. SO far ive played moto gp, whacked, fever, nk3, ect. They rule. I cant wait till MEchAssualt and Unreal Championship. Xbox Live is how gaming should be done., November 7, 2002 Reviewer: Chris Stockdale from Billings, MT United States To put it bluntly, Xbox live is the best internet gaming plan ever created. Some may whine about the cost, but after beta testing for weeks, I find this plan incredible. In a word, voice command is brilliant. As a long time gamer, I used to play PC games online. I would have to stop and write a message, then continue playing, all the while hoping I wouldnt lose my edge in the game. With Xbox live voice control there is no longer a worry. Just say what you want to say. If you are worried about your voice, you can use one of the voice masks avaliable, or create your own. On the downside of voice masking, sometimes I find it hard to understand some players when their voices are masked. If you really dont want to talk to anyone, mute your mic, and you can even turn off everyone elses voices. In cooperative online gaming, this voice communication will be invaluable. Not only hat, I have found it enjoyable to speak with people online and taunt them as well. The service itself is rock solid. With every game being required to include optimatch, friends, and the headset, you are guaranteed to enjoy every game you play online. I have only had Xbox Live for a short while, and already I have 5 or so friends from all around the country that I play with on a regualr basis. Anothe nice feature of Xbox Live is that you can always play with people who are of the same skill. This is made possible by a ranking system. If you want to create a game where only people of a certain skill can participate, you simply choose a rating, and you will immediatly have a game where you play against those of your skill level. While all of the features for Xbox live are nice, the real importance lies, of course, on the games. Luckily, there hasnt been a funner and more anticipated group og games then those coming out this holiday season which are prepared for Xbox live. With killer aps such as MechAssault, Unreal Championship, and Ghost Recon fulling using the service, fun is guaranteed. If you have a broadband sevice and an Xbox, you cant miss Xbox Live. Its to good. And I didnt even mention all of the excellent features for it, I only grazed them. Opinion of a beta tester, November 5, 2002 Reviewer: A gamer from Grandview, MO United States I've been an X-Box Live beta tester for about a month now and have to say that I have been having a blast. Microsoft will have to do something really dumb to mess this up, particularly compared to the Playstation 2's online capabilities. The communicator work very well (although most people in the MotoGP lobby seem to dislike the voice masking...and I have to agree with them. The voice masking is cool, but has a time and place, like maybe Mech Assault) I have exerienced virtually no lag, but we'll see when everyone is on it. I don't even care for racing games, but have been playing MotoGP almost every day. Note that the MotoGP retail version is not an on-line game; but if you buy the retail version and unlock tracks or bikes, you can use them on-line with the live disk. I can't wait to buy more online games for X-Box. the best, November 4, 2002 Reviewer: Brandon Caley from Lacey, WA USA This is tight you need to buy this if you have xbox and cable or dsl. I have the beat meaning i can play befor all you. i am also going to get the real thing to so ya. JUST BUY IT This Blows all else away, November 4, 2002 Reviewer: A gamer from Pembroke Pines, Fl United States If you have DSL and an Xbox this is a must have. After being ivolved in the beta program all I can say is that XBOX LIVE ROCKS. I live in Florida and can talk LIVE to the person I was playing NFL2K3 against in Canada. Very impressed with the Xbox LIVE Beta, November 3, 2002 Reviewer: Mark S Moran from Roseville, CA . USA I have been a Beta tester for the last 4 weeks. I have to say, Microsoft has really gone the extra mile with this online gaming service. Although I initially had no intention of using the voice communicator, (basically because I felt like a total geek) the dynamic that voice in game adds is immeasurable in value. The Moto GP demo that LIVE will ship with is addictive and a blast! Connection to my DSL could not have been easier (plugged an ethernet cable in the Xbox, and the Xbox detected and set up the connection with no hassles), and the game lobby where you meet co-players and make new long distance friends has been great! This is the best [money] you could spend if you are a gamer. Yes, its that good (and this is just the Beta experience!). Beta tester, November 3, 2002 Reviewer: jcabral14 from Boston, Ma United States I have both the PS2 adapter and the xbox live beta kit. I can tell you that i love my PS2 but it has been collecting dust since i received my beta kit from microsoft. The network is pretty solid and the play is mostly smooth. If you have an xbox and broadband service pre order this now. If you do not have a xbox or broadband service order them both NOW! This has completly changed the way you will game. As for the PS2 version of online play. I will just say that I am VERY VERY VERY happy with Xbox Live. I so into xbox live and only have 3 games and played it for over 200 hours now........GO GET IT.....see ya online come find me and I will do my best to whoop ya at nfl fever 2003....gamertag is JC23 Information for Parents, November 1, 2002 Reviewer: terrytutor from Marietta, GA USA I would like to address the issues that Parents might have heard concerning this product. XBOX live allows game players to use their XBOX to play with other games all around the world. We have spent countless hours enjoying our system, and I would like to put to rest any fear you may have concerning this product. In order to set up the system, you must enter a credit card. This card number may be used to purchase additional levels to a game, or better cars and equipment. However, there is a parental control option which will prevent children from purchasing anything without your permission. Since the headset allows kids to speak with their game playing buddies, it also allows them to mask their voice, so they don't sound the same. Example: a younger child can mask his voice to sound like a grown man or a cartoon character. So far, most of the people I have encountered have been cordial and great fun. However, if I encounter a player that rubs me the wrong way for some reason, I just mute him, and can no longer hear anything he/she says. Any players that I enjoy playing with, I just add to my friends list. The more I play, the more friends I find, and the games become more enjoyable. Now when I play a game, I can choose from people I already know that I enjoy. One of my favorite parts is being able to enjoy the game as a guest of my son, while he is playing. It allows up some great together time. As a conscientious parent, please let me say that I have found the XBOX to be an enjoyable extension to the XBOX gaming machine. Awesome Online Gaming, October 31, 2002 Reviewer: Jamie Ratliff from Victoria, Tx United States Although I have been beta testing Xbox Live for only a couple of months now, I can assure you it is worth the money you will spend. The game play is awesome, with almost no lag, even on beta games. The lineup coming soon will be even better. If you love xbox, or online gaming, this is definately for you. You will not be disappointed. With broadband only access, you need not worry about getting stuck playing someone on a dial up connection with bad lag. Xbox Live Rocks. Period. |