Xbox Home - Action & Adventure Games: Whacked ![]() by Microsoft Platform: Xbox ESRB Rating: Teen ASIN: B00006JC44 Check price @ Customer Reviews: This is so much fun!, November 14, 2002 Reviewer: Kari from Atlanta, GA I recently got an X Box and the first game I purchased other than than the two it came with (Sega GT 2002 and JSRF) was Whacked. Since then I have played a lot of other games on it, but WOW! This is the most fun I have ever had. The weapons are awesome, the storyline is hilarious, and I cannot wait to get X Box Live for the sole purpose of playing this online. It may not look like it will be that fun, but it is very addicting. The skill levels run the gamut, with Very Easy being just that (the perfect stage to learn on) and Hard being, once again, hard. The characters say the funniest things, especially Lucy (the naked girl with censor bars). I haven't played it with more than one player yet but I am anxiously waiting to :-D So to sum it all up, this game is the most fun you will ever have, especially if you are bored with most of the games out there right now. It's so addicting! Give it a good try, I promise you will love it. -Kari (16 yrs old) SLC Xbox Lover..., November 12, 2002 Reviewer: A gamer from Salt Lake City, UT United States So this game is creatively addictive. I am on the Xbox live beta testing team, and I had to get the full version of the game as soon as it came it. It is amazing how much you get into playing this against your friends at home or on Live. The graphics are stunning, the characters are creative and some are very naughty. If you are a fan of games that have multi-player shoot 'em up and you need a little creative juice, this game is for you. Ahh, and the weapons. No more Revolver instead you get an Egg-O-Matic and launch raw eggs at your opponents or throw axes to keep angry chickens at bay. Xbox Live is where this game really shines!, November 12, 2002 Reviewer: Jason Kelly from Alaska, USA I've been a beta tester for xbox live now for a month and this was one of the demo games. I can tell you from experience, this game is going to be one of the best as far as online gaming goes. The arenas are colorful and fun, the characters are original and a little strange (but in a good way), and the ability to use voice communication is unbelievable unless you've played yourself. Anyone interested in Xbox Live or this game, BUY IT! It's worth it, trust me! Whacked is the best game on the face of the Earth!, November 7, 2002 Reviewer: An 11-year old gamer Whacked is, as Van-Tastic (the host of the game show) would say, "WOW, WOW, DOUBLE WOW, AND WOW TO THE WOW POWERED!" This game didn't look very good on the back of the cover in the store, but looks can be decieving! Whacked is the name of a gameshow that is played with seven crazy contestants and one sick and twisted host. On the back it DOES look like a racing game (almost exactly like Mad Dash Racing) but it is NOT! In 1 player mode, you compete in one of six events: Combat, Dodgeball, Fragfest, King of the Hill, Grab'n'Run, and Chicken. Each game is played in a different environment. The environments are small, but that's a good thing to ensure the most fighting as possible. There are so many weapons and powerups, that I can't even name them all! Battle mode in Whacked is probably the best Xbox game mode I've seen!... Sure, it's fun doing the normal splitscreen, but once you link up to another Xbox, or better yet, PLAY IT ON XBOX LIVE, the fun really begins. That's right, you CAN play this game on Xbox Live!... I would give this game a 500 out of 5 if I could. Don't rent it! BUY THIS GAME!... Fun multi-player, October 14, 2002 Reviewer: A gamer from Honolulu, HI United States This game really dissappointed me at first. I almost took it back until I started to unlock more and more of the different weapons and power-ups. Then the game starts to get really fun....especially for multi-player. This game is going to be alot of fun on Xbox Live whenever it finally comes out. Basically, this game is a third person sorta-shooter. You run around trying to waste your opponents while trying to win whatever your goal might be. There's dodgeball (just like in elementary school...very fun), king-of-the-hill, collect the stars, fragfest, kill the chickens and hold the trophy (there is one trophy that you try to keep for 60 seconds while evryone tries to take it from you). Here's some pros and cons: Pros: Funny characters. A rabbit with a Scotish accent, an orange oscar the grouch looking thing, a naked woman with censored bars over her equipment, a rotten toothed blonde girl....very interesting. Tons of different weapons. Meat cleavers, an egg gun, baseball bats, hammers, heat seaking rockets, electic shockers, dogs with dynamite that seek out the current leader...there are 30 weapons. Wierd and twisted storyline Very fun (and addictive) multi-player It's going to be a great online game Good graphics: I love the maps. Each one has some kind of hazard that makes the game more intersting plus they are hilarious. Theres one thats set up on a kitchen counter complete with a kitchen sink that sometimes sucks player down its drain, one under a christmas tree, one in a sqaure room that has spikes poking out of the walls. Cons: The gameshow thing is only in the storyline. No part of the gameplay has anything to do with a gameshow...just the cinematics. You have to unlock everything in single player mode. Maybe there is a cheat (I'm usually dead set against using cheats) that will unlock it all so you wont have to go through single player mode. This makes the game really suck at first. You only have like 3 maps, 3 weapons and 3 power-ups. Matt man gamer fron nc, September 8, 2002 Reviewer: A gamer from Charlotte. N.C This game is going to kick [...]. You can play as awesome characters including a naked one. Pretty sweet,huh? The game is gonna have great graphics, awesome controls, and addictive gameplay. This is gonna rule. |