Xbox Home - Sports & Outdoors Games: ESPN NFL Prime Time ![]() by Konami Platform: Xbox ESRB Rating: Everyone ASIN: B00005O62C Check price @ Features: • Statitics-fueled football realism • Complete statistical tracking for every team and player • Actual faces for 120 top NFL stars • Manage your team for up to 15 seasons • Customizable Scenario Mode lets you create any game situation ESPN offers up its own NFL coverage on the occasional Sunday and Thursday nights. It's not as wacky as Fox's nor as staid as CBS's--and it isn't as prestigious as ABC's Monday Night Football--but it is a recognizable name to mainstream fans who might notice it in a field dominated by other football video games. ESPN NFL Prime time doesn't outdo the other titles in rushing and passing, but its gameplay holds its own in a crowded market, plus it has a franchise option that can't be touched. The graphics are quite good. Although not as flashy as NFL 2K2 or Madden NFL 2002, they at least offer a great deal of speed. All the animations are performed quickly and with little of the slowdown that's plagued many a first-time sports game franchise. The result is slightly faster-than-normal gameplay that's quite exhilarating, but makes the game somewhat more difficult to get into. It doesn't help that tackles are performed from a bit too far away, and too many tacklers seem capable of stretched out 5-yard leaps. The running game is a bit frustrating at first. Basically, only the best backs in the business can gain even 2 to 3 yards per carry; the rest get stopped in the backfield by the defense. Passing isn't much more realistic as long bombs are a bit too easy to catch, even in traffic, but that same complaint can be leveled at every football game this year. Primetime's extensive franchise play is as deep as the competition's, but offers a hard-core NFL fan's attention to detail when it comes to stat and scouting reports. Stats even include such real-life minutiae as a player's 40-yard-dash time and how much he can bench press. Combine that with the excellent use of ESPN's visual style and commentary from Chris "Boomer" Berman and Tom Jackson, and the game really does look and feel like a Sunday night broadcast. This one is recommendable to true football fans--even if they're already playing with the competition. --Andrew S. Bub Pros: Excellent presentation and stats tracking Probably the best franchise mode available Cons: The running game isn't perfect Neither is the passing game Product Description: ESPN NFL Primetime features all 31 NFL teams and home stadiums, updated player rosters, and an ESPN-broadcast visual style. You can look into the faces of 120 top NFL stars who are re-created with true-to-life heights and weights. Slick moves include jukes, spins, hurdles, dives, stiff-arms, and more. The game reflects individual team playbooks and tendencies, and uses motion-captured animations of NFL Pro Bowl players Antonio Freeman and Carnell Lake. Manage your team for up to 15 seasons, create free agents or edit existing players with an in-depth player editor, and sign, retire, draft, and trade players. Trade for future draft picks and field computer-initiated trades. Watch as players improve their abilities over time with game experience, and set corresponding game plans, matchups, and depth charts for simulated games. The completely customizable scenario mode lets you create any game situation imaginable. Playing fields are degraded and uniforms dirtied based on weather conditions, further enhancing realism. ESPN NFL Primetime also includes animated sidelines, realistic crowd attendance, visible breath and steam from players during cold-weather games, and variable weather conditions and severities for snow, rain, and more. Customer Reviews: prime time is right, May 14, 2002 Reviewer: kdallosta from Channtilly,VA USA This game is " prime time" if you like football the gameplay is great. When you play it, it's like you are on the field it is one of the best life like football games skip NFL Fever and NFL Blitz 20-02. GET THIS GAME IF YOU WANT THE BEST. Way under appreciated title, solid game, April 29, 2002 Reviewer: gamer11222 from Maryland When I went to my friends house and he told me he got Primetime I was very surprised. Already with 3 solid football games (NFL 2k2, Madden 2002, and NFL Fever) on the system Primetime seemed like a waste. Boy was I wrong...... PROS: -AMAZING!!! Franchise mode, the best in the business -Great menus and game setup -Its ESPN and whats better than that?? CONS: -Gameplay is slighty weaker than Madden, 2k2, and at about par with Fever -Graphics do not compare with the 3 other f-ball games -You would think it has cool commentary but the commentary is kinda weak All in all, Primetime is a great it being your 2nd football game on the XBOX. Fans of the franchise mode will love this game but if you have no football games on your Box right now then i would reccomend either 2k2 or madden. IT WAS GREAT!!!..., April 6, 2002 Reviewer: A gamer from Weston, CT United States ...The players look very real and the game is very close to the TV show. I also liked that the commentators say negative things about the penalties. I really recommend this game. action packed game, April 1, 2002 Reviewer: matt from Los Angeles,CA USA this game is the bestgame i have ever played. i can never get board of it. all of the funny touchdoun dances and bone crunching tackles is just the best. i garuntee if you buy this game you wont regret it Could have been better but, could have been much worse, February 20, 2002 Reviewer: deaner1971 from Columbus, OH Alright, this is a game that you may hate, probably won't love, but can develop some serious affection for over time. The first time I played a game...I was ready to destroy the game. Half way through a season...I'm liking quite a bit. The game play is fast and efficient, almost to the point where you catch yourself rushing through play selection to keep up the pace. It graphics are good overall but, the replays lack any cinematography and the player celebrations are repetitive. And that symbolizes the game: lots of pros and cons. Cons: 1. Defenders can tackle you from 5 yards away so, you can put away your fancy moves. 2. You can also put away the spin move for defensive linemen. Use a power move or plan on never crossing the line of scrimmage. 3. No high or low kicks or punts. You control the distance and the angle, that's it. 4. I don't notice any subtlety in passing. The distance of the receiver dictates the angle and velocity. No lofting short passes or rifling long ones. Pros: 1. You haven't had play calling selection until you've seen this. You've got a play book the size of Donald Trump's next pre-nup. 2. Uniforms get dirty. Sounds stupid until you think about playing a full game on a rainy Soldier Field and you still have uniforms as clean as the Pope's little black book. 3. You won't want to rip your speakers apart getting Madden to "shut the hell up!" Subtract Madden, add Boomer and TJ. 4. Kicking format is excellent. Finds a nice medium between pin-point precision with no effort and kicking that requires more groping than a room full of prom dates. All in all, it gets a three star rating. Two for giving us an alternative to Madden (not that I don't still love Madden) and another star for Primetime 2003. I bet it kicks a wee more ... Worst football available for the Xbox..., February 5, 2002 Reviewer: William W. Joslin from Copperas Cove, TX USA Don't waste your time. The other 3 (Madden, 2k2, and Fever) are all MUCH better. This game looks like it was made for the Nintendo game system. It is just plain bad. Even the commentary is not that good. I played part of one game and haven't played it since. Finally a realistic crowd!, January 4, 2002 Reviewer: An 11-year old gamer from Greenwich, CT USA Unlike football games like nfl fever, etc, espn Primetime has realistic crowds for the first time! I have never played a game so detailed. Forget these fans with little spots all over them, it will close to real. Everyone out there, listen to me. GET THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! awesome game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, December 27, 2001 Reviewer: A 12-year old gamer from Chicago, IL USA This game is going to be great. If you want this game get it but if you don't want it get Nfl fever 2002 because tthey are both easy to play. ESPN Primetime, December 8, 2001 Reviewer: A gamer from New Jersey This game is not horrible but it could be better. The graphics are terrible The Best Game Ever, November 23, 2001 Reviewer: A gamer This is worth every penny. The best footballl game ever made. You will enjoy every waking minuet when your playing. THIS IS TRULY THE BEST GAME EVER. |