Xbox Home - Racing & Flying Games: Project Gotham Racing ![]() by Microsoft Platform: Xbox ESRB Rating: Everyone ASIN: B00005NZ1J Check price @ Features: • High-speed, circuit-based racing simulator • Choose from 20 different cars and compete on more than 300 city-based circuits • 100-plus individual and wheel-to-wheel challenges • Photorealistic environments and real-time weather • Featuring single-player arcade and 4-person multiplayer modes Bizarre Creations, the developer of Metropolis Street Racer for Dreamcast, makes its Xbox debut with a sequel of sorts. Project Gotham Racing is very similar to its predecessor, except with refined gameplay mechanics and vastly improved graphics. The focus of this racer is unique, as it's centered on the "kudos" system. Players are rewarded bonus points for sustaining slides, riding on two wheels, catching air, clean driving, and passing other drivers. Chaining any of these actions together results in high-scoring combinations. So in addition to trying to finish the race first, the player must worry about style and technique to succeed in this game. The kudos system is fun and definitely makes this game stand out from the competition. Another highlight is the game's detailed graphics. The more than 200 circuits based on London, Tokyo, San Francisco, and New York are extremely authentic. Those familiar with the cities are sure to do a double take at the numerous courses. The game's cars are also beautifully rendered and feature impressive reflection and lighting effects. Gameplay is quite diverse with quick race, arcade race, kudos challenge, time attack, and multiplayer modes. Kudos challenge alone features nine different types of gameplay that range among races, time trials, and obstacle courses. The only significant drawback with Project Gotham Racing is its difficulty. Most players will find that two-thirds to three-quarters of the way through, the game becomes exceedingly difficult to the point where it's more frustrating than fun. Despite this problem, it still provides dozens of hours of entertainment for most and a challenging time for hard-core gamers. All players will find Project Gotham Racing a truly distinct and beautiful racer. --Raymond M. Padilla Pros: Unique gameplay Exquisitely beautiful cars Detailed levels that look like the real cities Cons: Frustratingly difficult towards the end Fewer cars than other racing games Product Description: This super-slick driving game lets players strap into more than 20 licensed cars and compete on more than 300 circuits in cities around the world. In addition, the game boasts 100-plus individual and wheel-to-wheel challenges, an arcade mode, and a four-person multiplayer option. You may want to put your seat back--this could be a long drive. In a unique twist, players are rewarded with a ratings system that scores their style, dexterity, and placement. Throw on the flare, boast your driving skills, and prove your daring side and you'll be rewarded. Unlike Crazy Taxi's reward scheme, Project Gotham Racing is a true-to-life racing simulation (no bounding from rooftops here). The tracks--located in global centers such as London, Tokyo, New York, and San Francisco--are incredibly detailed, adding a thick layer of realism to the course. The cars are just as nicely rendered, each shining with the gloss of a fresh paint job and driving with the appropriate responses for its particular style. Those looking for a game with speed to match the hardware should add this racer to their list of Xbox must-haves. Customer Reviews: Project Gotham Ricing - another great game, November 12, 2002 Reviewer: A gamer from Madison, AL United States here is another prime example of a great game. yes, i am a fan of the racing genre, but this is a great game regardless. the grafics are amazing, the driving physics are the best i have seen, and it has the MINI Coopers S, whish is my fav. car... if you have an xbox or are just thinking about getting one i recomend this game to anyone. Has that something *je ne sais pas*, October 27, 2002 Reviewer: Walter Reade from Appleton, WI United States I purchased this game solely on the good reviews it received. It was not a let down. There was a bit of a learning curve to use the hand controller to accurately maneuver the car, but then the game hooks you. It quickly becomes apparent that the game requires true skill to progress. The Kudos system (points based on meeting certain objectives) helps put you on track for learning these skills. There are a couple of places in the Kudos progression where it is frustrating difficult to get to the next level. But these are the exception, rather than the rule. The graphics are beautiful, and the selection of cars is sufficient to make this game a well-rounded good value. This game is so boring, October 25, 2002 Reviewer: A gamer from MIdwest, USA I can't believe they are making a sequel to this game. I can't believe anyone would actually buy it. There are many much more fun racing games out there. My kids thought it was terrible. I thought it was terrible. Invest your money in a better game.. Best racing game ever, October 20, 2002 Reviewer: Daniel F. Kaplan from Sacramento, CA United States I bought this game less than a week after getting back from London, so even though my wife wouldn't let us rent a car to get around in the UK, I really feel as though I've driven through London (REALLY FAST). That said, the graphics are superb, the levels laid out true to life, and the physics engine was very realistic. I also loved the fact that the cars took damage. Oh, I loved the fact that if you choose radio, instead of CD music, the radio reception peters out when you go under bridges and through tunnels. Pros: Cars take damage. Textured roads make the controller shake. Graphics are beautifully rendered. Loads of playability. Wonderful true-to-life environments. Nice controller setup. Although there weren't 5,000 cars available to choose from, I liked the ones that they chose (like the Mini Cooper!). Customizable music. Cons: Didn't have 5,000 cars. The single player became too difficult too quickly. sweet., October 14, 2002 Reviewer: a hardcore gamer from Flint, MI This game is what racing is all about, and then some.It's about speed and style.The Kudos system is great and is both challenging and a bit frustrating when you are 10 points short and the finish line is not too far ahead.Graphics 4/5this game is beautiful,its no Wreckless but pretty damn close.It suffers from a few jagged lines now and then but everything else looks good.Another thing that could be better is the reflection of the environment.Reflections look a bit slowwhen you pass signs and stuff but thats pretty excusable.Sound 5/5The sound is good. Engines rev up realisticly and slides sound real as well.The sound track is great, it has a great diversity in music from rap, rock, and in Japan, Japanese music on the radio.Yes it has a radio similar to GTA3 on ps2 except no talk shows.What I thought was cool was that the radio some times fades out once in a while.Also if you don't like the music line up you can get some songs from you hard drive.Playability 5/5The game is a blast to play its all about sliding at the right time and not speeding through courses..its impossible to speed through a course and not hit a wall or guard rail so you have to be careful.The AI is great.It will actually ram you off the road if you're not careful.Overall:5/5 This game is so cool..if anyone hates this game it would have to be because its control isn't too touchy like Gran Turismo..this game is about having fun. Its addictive and you won't find a better racing game on Xbox its a must have. Fun racing for the entire family, October 7, 2002 Reviewer: lakeforest-rob from Lake Forest, CA USA I love to slide and do the showboating tricks. That is more important to me than winning the race. The chance to earn "kudo" points by showing off in this game rewards the part that I find the most fun! This is a game that I can play with my kids (ages 7, 9, 15) and have fun. Warning: I played "easy" on my youngest and she beat me so I switched to normal play and she STILL beat me. Oops! This one is as much fun for us single player as it is with up to 4 players. A mode for off-track driving (something like Midtown Madness) would have added to the fun. My daughters and I invented a "tag" game where we ignore the race part of the game. However, we have to stick to the track which limits the boundaries of our game. This doesn't stop us from having lots of fun with our invented game though! I rated this below a 5 because it is also sometimes difficult to judge the corners. A lot of this is undoubtedly my lack of skill, but it is frustrating to cut a corner close because I couldn't see that the wall went a little bit further out. However, as I play the tracks I learn the corners better. The game has a good variety of tracks which allow different styles of play. Some have lots of hills and/or corners for those that prefer the tricks. However, there are plenty of straight-away tracks that are more appropriate for pure racing. Great Cars, Impossible difficulty, Poor though not Bad game, October 7, 2002 Reviewer: boarder542 from Hartford, Wisconsin United States The cars are sweet. The graphics are sweet. Too bad racing is just ... in here. This game is wayyyy too hard. I cant even get past some of the tracks in easy difficulty. Not a good game though you gotta love the cars Pretty Decent, October 4, 2002 Reviewer: Jamie Ratliff from Texas I was a little disappointed with the gameplay with this game. All in all, I gave it 3 stars. If you are just looking for a racing game, you will probably like it. Howver, if you are looking for something with some type of missions involved, you need to look elsewhere. AMAZING!, September 30, 2002 Reviewer: Jarod Becker from Seattle Game should blow your mind, it is just incredible. Weeks of awe inspiring fun. My Favorite XBox Game So Far, September 17, 2002 Reviewer: straatocastoer from Baltimore, MD I absolutely love this game. Graphics need to be seen to be believed! This was one of the three games that I first purchased with the system (the day it came out on 11/15/01) and it is the only one that I still play. I have finished the game completely, but I am still addicted. My favorite aspect of the game is how you are scored on your driving by amassing Kudos. A cerntain level of mastery of control needs to be used in order to gain the kudos (style points) needed to progress through the game. I particularly love this feature of the game -- you don't just drive, you have to learn how to drive with style (i.e., control your slides around a turn, come off of a hill just right, and still maintian a top speed). There is a tremendous amount of skill and strategy that needs to be employed in the later rounds of the game, which can be frustrating, but adds to the longevity of the game. Another thing that I love about this game is the type of racing that you do. There is the typical road race scenario, but there are also challenges of different sorts (how many cars can you pass in a minute and a half, how many kudos can you build up over two laps, how many laps can you do in three minutes, etc., etc.) This is another feature that adds to the longevitiy of the game. The only negative thing that I feel is in the game is the fact that on road races it is INCREDIBLY challlenging to catch up to the leader once you fall behind. It can be done, but the computer drives the courses near-flawlessly, and some aggressive, well timed, and lucky driving needs to come into play if you need to catch up. There was a time when I thought that it was downright impossible to do so, but I have done it -- albeit only a few times. The upside to this flaw is that the races aren't overly long (until the end of the game), and you can restart a race as many times as you want without penalty. I recommend this game if you are looking for a challenging, visually beautiful, and just over-all FUN game. |