Xbox Home - Action & Adventure Games: Deathrow ![]() by UBI Soft Platform: Xbox ESRB Rating: Mature ASIN: B00006LELV Check price @ Customer Reviews: Don't forget to pick up this gem, November 12, 2002 Reviewer: xythras from Cologne, Germany Not too many people know about Deathrow which is a shame since one would miss out a lot by not playing it. the grafics are great and the gameplay make it the Sppedball of the new millenium. The conquest mode is challenging and the AI is abolutely up to date and will force you to try loads of different tactics in all the different arenas. If you love sports games with a knack then Deathrow is a game you shouldn`t miss out. I have played it for about three weeks now and it hasn`t disappointed my high expectations at all. So far this is my favorite Xbox game. Fast Paced Action, October 29, 2002 Reviewer: charnas Once you get use to the controls this game is addictive. You can use the network feature with and play online (which I haven't tried yet). possibly will support internet play also. Give this game about an hour cause the controls and camera take sometime to get use to. I've seen many game companies in the past that have tried to make a futuristic brutal sports game but SouthEnd Interactive has succeeded. One of the Best X-Box Games You Can Own, October 28, 2002 Reviewer: Robert Fabriano Jr. from Bordentown, NJ USA Deathrow is truly one of the great X-Box games released this year. Deathrow takes place in the distant future, where a new ultra-violent sport has risen. Blitz Ball has become the most popular sport in the world and you are in control of a blitz ball team. The game is a mix of ultimate freesbie meets WWE. Its very violent, has alot of profanity and has few rules. Action is fast past sporting a overhead view and an action view (3rd person view) which you can pick from. Fights occur often, are fairly simplistic, brutal and throughly enjoyable. The game has dozens of unlockable features including players, arenas and other types of gameplay. This games also supports 4 players on 1 X-Box as well as many more through the system-link. This is a truly awesome game that everyone should enjoy. Not to be played by children who are not used to blood, violence and liberal use of profanity. Havent seen this before, which is good, October 27, 2002 Reviewer: Juan from Washington, DC United States If you want to imagine deathrow, think of a rugby game gone WAY out of control. Although looks can be decieving, the true purpose of this game is that you have teams which must score a certain amount of points, you have 13 teams to choose from and they each have their own goal for wanting to win. What makes this game unique is that the alterior way of winning is by kicking the [crude] out of all your opponents. There arent any rules, so u can clober them senseless, or just knock them down so you can score a point with "rings" that you must carry to their goal. If your looking for a storyline, as with most fighting games, there really is none. At best this game is a kick the [crude] out of the other player before he can score on you, but with multiplayer coming soon and the fact that u can import your own music does add to the blend. When it all comes down to it, this wont bring any new people to fighting games, but it will be a great treat for those who already like those types of games. Surprise game of the year!, October 24, 2002 Reviewer: A gamer from NH USA This is the surprise game of the year. Based on the fantastic ign review, I gave this game a shot and was very pleasantly surprised. If you like sports games then you will really enjoy Deathrow. The only note about this game is that you have to give it about an hour or so. I can see how anyone who only plays it for a few minutes could be turned off. The controls and the camera are initially difficult to get used to. However, give it some time and you will get a lot of enjoyment out of this game. |