Xbox Home - Action & Adventure Games: Myst III Exile ![]() by UBI Soft Platform: Xbox ESRB Rating: Everyone ASIN: B00006F2BC Check price @ Features: • Move ten years forward in the Myst universe • Beautiful photo-realistic effects • Visual effects restored to what the original creator designed • 22 minute making-of featurette • For one player Customer Reviews: The Series Looks Dated, October 18, 2002 Reviewer: popothebright from New York, NY United States I was a big fan of the original Myst. Way back then the very notion of 3D-rendered computer graphics was in itself pretty cool. But now, there's a shrinking gap between what you can do with pre-rendered (still image) technology and smooth-motion real-time 3D graphics. And this technology is starting to look dated. While the 3D artwork is truly beautiful in this game, somehow I just expected more. Is it just me or do these "ages" (islands) seem totally lifeless? I know these are static pre-rendered images, but dammit I want a bird to fly by here and there. I want the clouds to move on a separate layer. I want bugs, and I want grass that blows, and lighting that changes subtely -- all of these effects are possible even with pre-rendered graphics with a little compositing ingenuity. Furthermore, this story line, of which Presto Studios seems so immensely proud, is painfully thin. Who is Atrus? Who are his kids? What are linking books? Unless you've played the first 2 games you'll have to just live with the blanks. No effort is made to explain the subtext. And for those that have played the first two games in the series, EXILE suffers from a painful lack in tension. As a player I'm constantly asking myself "Why do I care?". The writers need to take a refresher course in creating tension and establishing empathy. Don't get me wrong. From a pure architecture and rendering perspective, this game is gorgeous. The modelers and texture artists deserve huge kudos. They rule. But as a result of some poor game design, sterile environments, and the lethargic, tension-drained story-line -- you'll feel like you're clicking your way past still 3D renders rather than interacting with a living 3D world. I'd recommend this game to those who like brain-teasers and puzzles (which are well conceived in Exile), but not to those who are looking for adventure. Nice Change of Pace, October 6, 2002 Reviewer: A gamer from Chicago, IL USA Myst III is not (for obvious reasons) typical Xbox fare, but it is just the sort of thing to cleanse the pallet between games of Halo & Madden. Hopefully there will be a niche for this type of game on the Xbox in the future. Myst III, October 4, 2002 Reviewer: darkstar1011 You better know what this game is about before you go out and get it.You can only move by pressing A button.I just don't see this game taking off on the console like it has on the PC.Alot of people who don't know what this game is about are going to end up disgusted. It's a puzzle/strategy game,so forget about suitin' up to slay the dragon.I don't mean to slam this game,it is visually beautiful,just don't run out and buy it if you're expecting an action,RPG,Shooter,etc.. Good Game - Play Them In Order However, October 3, 2002 Reviewer: A gamer from Chicago, IL United States The Myst series was one of the most popular computer game series in history. The ideas behind the game, the scenery, etc. are absolutely amazing but I dont like how 3 came out for the XBOX prior to 1 and 2. It helps get a feel for whats happening if you play them in order because the concept is a bit abstract at first. This game though is truly a creative marvel and is a thinking persons game. There is no real violence but there is suspense, fear, etc. A must play for everyone. My only complaint is that for people new to the Myst series is that there is no Myst 1 & 2 for the XBOX because I believe it helps to play them in order. |