Xbox Home - Action & Adventure Games: New Legends ![]() by THQ Platform: Xbox ESRB Rating: Teen ASIN: B00005RCNC Check price @ Features: • Comabat and problem-solving in fantastic settings • Historical China meets a futuristic fantasy world • Wield multiple weapons and make stylish moves • Deep gameplay with accessible controls • Extensive and elaborate cinematic sequences Product Description: New Legends combines intense action and high adventure with cinematic combat and an engaging story line set in a future China. Players will approach battle with the style and skill of a master martial artist. They'll have the ability to wield two weapons at once while performing dramatic attacks and a selection of specialized moves. Customer Reviews: Quite frustrating, October 16, 2002 Reviewer: hbj200 from New York, NY United States The lack of a story line, confusing names, bad voice acting, and so-so graphics are the least of this game's problems. The worst aspect is the poor gameplay. 1) This has to be the worst of the worst: when you are hit, it takes 2-5 seconds to recover, during which time you cannot fight but will continue to take hits and damage from your enemies. It doesn't matter how hard you hit any buttons. Your character will spin for a few seconds and bleed away. And get this: when you hit an enemy, he doesn't suffer from this problem! So if you play this game, be prepared to die many unnecessary deaths. 2) While there's an impressive list of weapons in the game, many are very poorly implemented. Get a machine gun or shot gun, and you'll find that you can't really aim accurately. Sometimes... even when you aim and fire at the enemy, he doesn't suffer any damage! I don't know if this is a bug, or just another way for some sadistic programmer to make a gamer's life miserable. 3) Enemies are strong. As mentioned before, they don't get immobilized temporarily like your character does, and they are really tough... I'm talking about the non-bosses! And there's no difficulty option in this game. 4) Even though you can access the save screen at any time during the game, it doesn't really save the game at the point you think you are saving. Instead, when you load the game, it starts from the beginning of the mission! And what exactly constitutes a savable mission is also confusing. In short, this is a terrible game. There's some fun factor in it, that's why I give it 2 stars instead of 1. But I truly think it'll take a few years off your lifespan because of its high degree of frustration. If more time,thought,energy put into it it would be the best, August 22, 2002 Reviewer: Nick from CT This must be one of the finest martial arts games I have yet to play. As I said in my title if more time, thought, and energy was put into this game it defintley would of been one of the best! The story is very solid and so is the fighting, allies, characters, etc. The story is- In the future demon offspring and there armys have taken over all of China except for one kingdom. Sun Soo(the main character)is the son to the leader of that one kindgon. Once the kingdom is taken over and his father killed sun soo is sent to a prison. There Mongolian rebels invade the prison and free him. Thats when the serious gameplay starts to take place. Sun Soo must defeat Zow Gon(the boss of the whole game) but to do that he has to kill Zow Gons 5 demon offspring(and go through hundreds of bad guys to do that!!)and get their 5 forbbiden blades.........that right there is probaly one of the best plots I have ever heard of in any game! As I said to beat the 5 demons you have to go through many, many bad guys and trust me after awhile they get very hard! And they seem to change in every level. speaking of levels the levels in this game range very much. One of the levels takes place in his dream! But dont worry cause through all these levels youll have many allies helping you ranging from- prisioners, rebels, soldiers, snipers, half demons, dragons, peacemakers, armys, etc. And while you are playing youll be kicking @ss with many different weopons like swords(many different kinds), sticks(many different kinds), wrenches, guns(many different kinds), etc, etc, etc, etc!! Now you say after all these positive things why did it get such low reviews? well as I said all the way in the beggining the makers didnt spend as much time on this game as needed. with N64/dreamcast type graphics and other things like that is why. So if you can look through that and see the excellent storyline, characters, fighting, bosses, weopons,etc then youll be opened up to a whole new exciting game! TOO EARLY, RUSHED, UNDER COOKED, RAW.....TAKE IT BACK, June 12, 2002 Reviewer: jbest48 from SMITHFIELD, NC USA I CAN UNDERSTAND THEY WANTED TO GET THIS GAME OUT BUT THIS IS R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S! WHAT THEY DID WAS GIVE ME A ROUGH DRAFT WITHOUT ANY CORRECTIONS. TO ME IT LOOKS LIKE THEY REALLY NEED HELP. THE ONLY GOOD THING ABOUT THIS GAME IS THE WEAPONS, FIGHTING, AND WEAPON SPECIAL EFFECTS. YOU CAN ACTUALLY PRACTICE SOME OF THOSE MOVES IF YOU WATCH THE CHARACTERS AS THEY USE THE WEAPONS. IT IS GOOD TO TEACH YOU SOMETHING ABOUT THE MARTIAL ARTS. THIS GAME COULD HAVE BEEN SOOOOO MUCH MORE BUT SOME ONE GOT SLOPPY, WENT TO SLEEP, WOKE UP, DID NOT LOOK WHERE THEY WERE GOING AND STEP OFF THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING. AND NEW LEGENDS SHOWS WHAT CAN HAPPEN WHEN YOU TAKE A POTENTIALLY GOOD IDEA AND SCREW IT UP BECAUSE "YOU DID NOT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY". New Legends - Great gameplay, substandard graphics, May 5, 2002 Reviewer: ruinedx from Caldwell, NJ New Legends has gotten poor reviews from numerous sites due to its graphics, which are not up to par with other XBOX titles. This game, however, offers outstanding gameplay which fans of old school beat-em-ups like Final Fight will love. This game was developed by Infinite Machine, headed by the designer of the original Jedi Knight. Not surprisingly, this game has a lot in common with LucasArts' Obi-Wan, which happens to use the Jedi Knight engine. It has the same fun mission based kill-everyone-in-sight 3rd-person gameplay, but instead of wielding a lightsaber, you wield numerous weapons of Eastern theme, ranging from samurai swords to razor claws to guns. Being that you can hold one weapon in each hand, you can either spin around, slicing opponents as you go, or shoot opponents with a gun while at the same time hitting them with a sword attack from your other hand; there are two attack buttons, one for each hand. Though the action in the game is very repetitive (like any beat-em-up), the levels are diverse and a blast to play through. The graphics in this game are better than Obi-Wan, but more on the level of Dreamcast than XBOX. In addition, you also see sub-30fps framerates at points, which also detracts from the graphics. All in all, a worthwhile purchase due to its addictive gameplay, as long as you can get over the graphics. Has Potential, But Ultimately Disappointing, April 16, 2002 Reviewer: A gamer from Republic of Korea This game needs work. The graphics basically stink, the sounds and AI are often annoying, and you can't save at specific points. The fighting is okay considering you can execute different moves with different weapons. And it's cool that you have some NPCs to help you through the game. Overall, I didn't find the game that much fun to play...I'm going back to Halo! i played this game for 5 mins and i loved it, March 28, 2002 Reviewer: nicholas from new york mantten i tryed it at my frindes house for 5 min i loved it the best x box game so far Biiig disappointment!!, March 26, 2002 Reviewer: A gamer from Noblesville, IN USA What a major let down. The XBOX is the ultimate system and this game has the look of an old pc game. Hesitates all the time and the graphics... eek! Pass on this one for sure and spend your [money] on something worth while. ALOT OF HYPE JUST NOT MY TYPE., March 23, 2002 Reviewer: Joshua Greig from ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA THE BEST THING THAT I CAN SAY ABOUT THIS GAME IS THAT THE CUTSCENES ARE DESIGNED EXCELLENTLY BUT AS WITH ALL ADVANCED SYSTEMS THESE DAYS ALL CUT SCENES ARE GREAT. THE GAME PLAY IS ROUGH AND THERE ARE ALOT OF GLITCHES AS WELL. PLAYING THIS GAME REMINDED ME OF PLAYING AN OLD PLAYSTATION GAME. THE IN GAME DETAIL WASN'T THAT GREAT AND THE GRAPHICS LEFT US YEARNING. THE GRAPHICS USED FOR THE WEAPONS WERE ACCEPTABLE BUT OVERALL THE GAME STUNK. I DEFINATELY RECOMMEND RENTING THIS GAME AND TESTING IT BEFORE PURCHASING. Outstanding gameplay makes it very much worthwhile, March 10, 2002 Reviewer: A gamer from USA New Legends is a very good game that delivers excellent GAMEPLAY. The play control is very tight. The action is fast and furious. I love the martial arts moves. It truly is like a Hong Kong movie. There is a lot of variety since there are so many weapons and different combos. Swords, bows, guns, crossbows, axes, grappling hooks, and more. There are lots of cool moves to execute. The enemies charge at you and you can go to town on them. The frame rate is really good and the gameplay is super tight. It's really impressive. New Legends also delivers cool VISUALS. I see people complaining about the graphics here. I didn't have a problem with them. I thought they were good. I liked the future retro/science-fantasy visuals. A nice mix of ancient China with fantasy and also sci-fi. You don't get this original of a look that often. Also, this game actually has movie scenes. While not Final Fantasy caliber, it's nice to see a game on the Box with movies, since most don't...this game is not 5-7 hours long. It is definitely longer. It took me a while to beat it. It's at least 10 hours, possibly longer. There are a lot of stages. There must've been at least 20 stages here. CHALLENGE is pretty good. Not impossible, not a joke either. There are some minor puzzles but the emphasis is on the action. There are enough places to get energy, which is good. Oh, and you CAN defend yourself in this game. I have no clue what one reviewer below me is talking about. While I really like the game, it is not without its FLAWS: 1. If you die at any point, you must start the entire stage over. This is bad. Thankfully I didn't die so often. 2. You can't save whenever you want, even though it looks like you can. You also must manually save on each stage or else you will do the old stage over again. This is stupid. 3. The game is very annoying at first. Stick with it. I hated the first hour or so but then it gets much better once you figure it out. 4. The music is good but it gets repetitive. There aren't enough tracks. Plus there's no special tracks for bosses. On the plus side, the sound effects are great. That's about it. I recommend the game to fans of action/adventure. Not a perfect game, to be sure... One of the better games I've played on X-Box so far. awesome game man, March 10, 2002 Reviewer: A gamer from hk i dont know why everyone is saying that this game is so bad. Its awesome. you can bust out combos with lots of different weapons. It has a defend button that lets you stop attackers in the middle of their move. its y k. this game takes you all over china blending all sorts of weapons. Awesome game man |